Wednesday 16 February 2011

Old Skool

In life, I pretty much afraid to proclaim that I'm proud of something or anything. Because as human being, hambaNya, dan orang biasa-biasa macam saya what to be proud of? But one thing that I really certain that am really proud is my school! SGGS. At first, I was quite frustrated when my parents don't allow me to go to Sri Putri (at that time, masih di lokasi lama, Jalan Kolam Air, Kuala Lumpur). They encouraged me to work hard for my UPSR, supaya I could be enrolled to a good school for my secondary. When I've been offered to SBP, they refused to enroll me there, the main reason is 'chek kecik lagi, mak & abah risau chek dok jauh-jauh di KL' (loghat orang Utara). My mak wanted me to go for sekolah aliran agama, whilst my abah doesn't bother as long as I could get into a good school tapi dekat dengan rumah. Finally, they send me to SGGS.

We were all girls and surprisingly, the teachers also mostly perempuan. Kalau ada cikgu lelaki pun, yang sudah tua. Jika ada cikgu lelaki yang muda, eeemmmm memang malanglah cikgu tersebut. Sudah tentu kena buli dengan anak murid. Itu agaknya PPD tidak hantar cikgu lelaki muda ke sekolah kami. Saya masih ingat semasa saya di form 1, ada cikgu muda lelaki mengajar subjek Bahasa Malaysia. Memang selalu merah-padam muka bila mengajar kena usik dengan anak murid. Cikgu Sailan nama beliau. Saya ingat beliau kerana beliaulah saya dikenali rakan-rakan dari kelas yang lain. Beliau telah memilih salah satu karangan saya untuk dibacakan di hadapan kelas. Saya sepatutnya simpan karangan tersebut, supaya nanti boleh tunjukkan kepada anak saya pula. Semasa saya bekerja di MIMOS, saya terjumpa beliau. Sebenarnya beliau yang datang berjumpa saya untuk technical advise & kemas-kini akaun internet. Saya bertanya, adakah beliau masih mengajar? Cuba teka??? Pasti, jawapannya TIDAK. Agaknya beliau serik kena buli dengan anak murid, jadi terus tukar profession sebagai bankers. Ada cikgu yang kami panggil DOREMON. Alahai..zaman budak-budak penuh kenakalan. As I remembered, our teachers are all very good and dedicated. Thank you to all of them.

So many good things to talk about this school. The school that have reached its golden age (more than 100 years) surely kept so many success stories inside. My husband's grandmother was ex-SGGS too. In her aged of 90++ years, retired teacher but her stamina & character very inspiring me. Masih membaca...membaca surat khabar berbahasa Inggeris. Saya yang baru berumur 30++, membaca sedikit bahan ilmiah, sudah merasa muak & mual. Bagaimana hendak pandai & maju? Nenek kami contoh product SGGS yang baik. Dan sebenarnya ramai lagi product SGGS yang berjaya di luar sana.
Photo: Prefect board, SGGS, 1994.
One of my old friend just tag me this photo via Facebook. The photo was taken in 1994 with our headmistress and discipline teachers. We were the school prefect. I cannot recall some of them. Shame on me. Poor memory instead. Luckily, we had FB nowadays. I get connected to most of them through my FB. Most of them now are very successful with their career. Many have become a medical doctors. Try to spot which one is me? Looking at this photo, really..really made me missed my school time so badly. Can we turn around the clock back???

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