Monday 21 February 2011

Chill'in the Cold Winter

In my previous entry I was posting about the cold winter in Hull. And I was predicting that is getting over. Oh no I was wrong...this week the cold weather is coming. The feeling cold as in the early winter. Temperatures significantly dropped. Gloomy outside. Yesterday, our friends (Paen & Zureen) from Coventry came to pay us a visit. Somewhere in Leeds from the motorway they said can view light blanket of white snow. Not bad, kira 'bertahan' la jugak the pouring since it was raining. Actually before the snow, time itu yang sejuk hingga ke tulang putih. When the snow is pouring, kurang sikit sejuknya. Hopefully, no snow is coming to Hull. Tak larat nak bungkus anak-anak dengan baju berlapis-lapis. Luckily, school holidays just begin last Friday and re-open on Monday 28th February. So kids can just hibernate at home watching the teli. Orang kampung di Hull nie panggil T.V as 'teli'. Memula dulu dengar neighbourhood cakap macam tak boleh nak pick-up. Sudah lama baru boleh pick their local language.Hullian cakap ada sedikit pelik, nanti saya ceritakan di entry yang lain. Tapi its better than Liverpool. I bet orang Liverpool cakap lagi kena 'pasang' telinga to understand what they're saying & actually said. In cold weather what & how to chill'n? Watching teli? Tick. Try new recipes? Tick. Snug into duvet? Tick. Hot bath? Tick. Sebenarnya bila musim sejuk, berendam lagi best rupanya. Anak-anak saya memang hari-hari mahu berendam dalam water-tub. Nampak gayanya lagi lama musim sejuk, jarum meter penimbang berat badan hari demi hari mencanak ke angka misteri. Oh tidak! Kata orang makanlah untuk hidup, bukan hidup untuk makan.
Photo: 'The white blanket', main entrance to University of Hull, December 2010.

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