Saturday 15 January 2011

My Boy Turns Three

How time flies? 3 years ago at Hull Royal Infirmary, Children and Women Hospital, my little fella Aydin was born. Giving birth to him was an amazing experience. He gave me bearable pain and I was in labour room-'fighting for life' for about 45 minutes. It took me only 15 minutes to pull my energy and strength to push him out from my womb. With Allah helps he was safely delivered at 10.44 p.m.

I remember, Arissa cries a lot when she was small. During my confinement with Arissa, I had sleepless night. She used to cry especially on the middle of night. I remember my arwah Abah, always come and knocking my door to ensure me is OK handling her. My mum scolded me, thought I'm not feed her granddaughter enough. I was like crying too, when she's crying. I was praying how greatful if my husband could flying back from Dubai to Malaysia every nite. Let him facing the 'chaos' too. He was in Dubai, for his company's new project. Luckily, I have my both parents and in laws to taking care of me during my confinement.

And thankful to God, Aydin is totally different from his sister. From the starts he is very easy to handle. He has little cry and sleep a lot. Maybe the cold of UK's weather made him comfy to sleep day and nite. Therefore, he has give less head-ache to my husband and I to take care of him. Because here in UK, we are totally independent in handling our two little babies. When we had Aydin, Arissa just 21 months old. And me myself have to go to school right after two weeks I gave birth to him. Actually, I have my module presentation. If I was in Malaysia, I definitely still been pampered like 'princess' during that two weeks of confinement. I could opt for 6 months off but I decide not too. Because I want to finish all my modules during my first year. So this is what I have to pay- the sacrifice! Alhamdulillah, my little boy was so understanding.

Two days ago, we are celebrating his 3rd birthday. It just between us, no fancy party. We had small cake but we have big wish for him. I also made a 'vidiyo' for him. I hope I could produce something superb like Manggis Production. Anyhow, I am not super talented and capable like their team production. However, I really hope one day when Aydin look back at this 'vidiyo' he will knows how we loved him so much!

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