Friday 4 February 2011

Head Lice

I was smiling all the way when read the Mirror News this afternoon. Despite of horific news about the Hosni Mubarak regime, the Mirror News reporter was 'cutely' publicised about David Cameron's kids that have nits! Somehow I look at this as more than sensation towards what Cameron did to the National Health Service (NHS). No matter how, he handsomely saying "If you find them when you get home, I apologise. Let me know and and I'll send you a comb and some ointment,". That is a politician. They may have answer for every questions.
Here in UK, there is a problem at school concerning the children's hair. During school term, normally we will receive a newsletter from school regarding the head lice. Ten percent of primary school children are affected by head lice every year they said. I remembered one of the kakak was mumbling after her kids got affected 'mat saleh nie.. suka bela anjing, tido pun dengan anjing itu yang kutu anjing naik ke kepala'. Again, kutu punya angkara, anjing dapat nama. But it reminds me to back home, we did'nt sleep with doggy but some of our childrens do have head lice..perhaps. Actually, head lice do like clean hair and move freely from head to head when children are working closely togather.
However, I always believe that PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE! So we made an effort to prevent by following some advisable procedures to my daughter's hair. For the time being we want to keep her with a long hair. Alhamdulillah, until today her hair is free and clean from the head lice. Many parents treat their children with head lice shampoo as they hear of an outbreak at school. At first I think this is necessary too. But it is not if you follow this procedure:
1. Wash the hair in the normal way with an ordinary shampoo.
2. Inspect the rinsing water for lice floating to the surface.
3. Using lots of hair conditioner and while the hair is very wet, comb through with a fine tooth comb. Make sure that the teeth of the comb slot into the hair at the roots with every stroke. Do this over a pale surface such as a paper towel.
*Note: For (1), I normally wash on alternate basis. For example, today I shampoo her hair. Tomorrow I just wash with water without shampoo.
p.s. This procedure should be applicable to mum and dad too. He..he..takut-takut, daughter's head clean, mak bapak pulak yang ada kutu! Baru betul mati kutu.

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