Wednesday 19 January 2011

Venice, Italy.

Pizza and Pasta are very synonym with Italian foods. And it has always been a misconception that Marco Polo brought pasta back to Italy from China. Actually, the Arab was believed to introduce the pasta during their conquests of Sicily. Apa boleh buat, lembu punya susu sapi dapat nama? This is how people get to know the West better/more than the East- a 'make-up' story!

Our dear architect friend, Eita is married to Italian. She has encouraged a lot of 'Italian stories' to us, food, fashion...and especially when it comes to an architecture stuffs. You know architect, they'll get very excited when telling us about 'bangunan', which I have zero knowledge about that. Asyik dengar Eita's story mana boleh kan? Finally, we decide to follow her back to Italy on last spring. I cooked my own pasta, and do eat pizza in Malaysia and UK, and it wasn't my favourite at all. I tekak and perut orang Melayu. But my goodness I did'nt know that pasta and pizza in Italy are super-duper yummylicious! Once try, you wanted to eat more and more. If you come here, you should try their sea-food pizza. Yeah...and also not to forget - the ice-cream. My husband is an ice-cream lover. He said Haagan Dazs pun kalah. Memang terbaik dari ladang, Italian ice-cream.
Photo: At Piazza San Marco, this place is extremely popular with pigeons
When we were in Italy, we went to Venice. We took the water taxi from the Marco Polo airport to the Piazza San Marco. The water taxi is actually a boat. We are very lucky, during our trip back to Tessera-Marco Polo airport, we had a very nice boat. Inside the boat only us and another younger couples. So it is like our 'private boat'. But me so jakun and scared sitting inside the small boat. Rasa macam duduk dalam botol yang dihanyut ke tengah lautan. So, I just sit-down straight-up and grasped my hand firmly onto the seat.

Venice is a beautiful place indeed. No doubt why it should been known as 'City of Water', 'City of Mask', 'City of Bridges', 'City of Canals' but not City of Honda..he..he. Pusing kanan, pusing kiri you will see water and canals, people is selling hand-craft mask, I tell you the workmanship of the masks is very beautiful. But the very mean bridges, made me tired. Apa taknya? Husband and I have to 'carry' our kids push-chair every time when we want to cross the bridge. Not only that before you could cross over, you have to climb up and down a few steps (at least 5-6 steps). I think within 100-400 meters away, you will 'meet' a bridge. He..he letih den & hubby nak mengangkat push-chair, lagi letih kalau anak den tertidur! Kalau tak tidur boleh kerah mereka bangun panjat sendiri jambatan bertangga itu. So if you come here with small kids and looking forward to bring the push chair for convenience, you better find the light one! After all tiring 'mind your steps', please don't forget to take your beautiful picture at the Rialto Bridges-the oldest bridge accross the grand canal.

Photo: On the Grand Canal, view of the Rialto Bridge.
We also took the opportunity to experience gondala. It worth paying the 80 Euro if you are the first timer. Second time? I think you should think twice unless you really like 'boating' along people's alley. However, I really admired how the gondolier control the gondola and they are all men. But when I googled just now, Wikipedia told me that Giorgia Boscolo became Venice's first female gondolier in August 2010. When we were there, she's not yet ready, if not boleh minta autograph. LoL. It is not that easy to handle the gondola I guess, especially when it passing under the bridge. And also during gondolas traffic jam. Jangan ingat atas darat sahaja jammed, atas air pun boleh jammed. Of course there'll be a high traffic,because a lot of tourists come to Venice and they won't miss the gondola like we do!

Photo: Venice, Spring 2010.

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